我們的治療師 Our Therapist
Ms Liz Tong
Registered Arts Therapist, ANZACATA
專業瑜珈導師 (專業範圍:成人、兒童、產前產後、及瑜珈治療)
YTTC 500hr (Specialised in: adult, children, pre & postnatal, yoga therapy)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT-C), Co-Investigator (CI)
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy (The University of Hong Kong)
Bachelor Degree, Design (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Liz 是註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師、專業瑜珈導師及資深內觀(Vipassana Meditation) 修習者,已修習正念靜觀12年。Liz 擅長結合表達藝術及正念靜觀於心理治療服務中。2019年初成立朝日正念工作室,開辦兒童及成人正念靜觀及瑜珈課程。2022年獲社創基金資助《手牽手。藝童遊》項目,為自閉症及低收入家庭學生提供到校表達藝術治療服務。2020-2022年協助東華學院研究兒童靜觀認知療法於兒童手機成癮的治療成效;2023年加入研究團隊成為共同研究者。服務對象包括:兒童及青少年、親子、焦慮、抑鬱、自閉症、過度活躍症、弱智兒童及成人、照顧者、及老人(曾服務機構)。
Liz is a Registered Art (Expressive Arts) Therapist, Certified Yoga Teacher and a Vipassana Meditator for12yrs. She is skilled at integrating Expressive Arts Therapy and Mindfulness into her psychotherapy services. With the passion to promote holistic health, Liz set up The Rising Sun Mindfulness Studio in early 2019 providing Mindfulness and Yoga course. In 2022, she received grant from SIE fund for the ArtsConnect project, provided school-based Expressive Arts Therapy services for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and from low-income family. In 2020-2022, she assisted the research of Tung Wah College about the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT-C) with smart phone addiction; in 2023 she joined the research team as Co-Investigator. She is specialised in serving children, teenager, adult, ASD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, person with intellectual disabilities, carer, & elderly (serviced organisations).
曾服務機構 Serviced Organisations
兒童及青少年服務 Child & Youth Services:
聖公會田灣始南小學 S.K.H. Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School
獻主會溥仁小學 Po Yan Oblate Primary School
中華基督教會元朗真光小學 CCC Chun Kwong Primary School
香港青年協會李兆基小學 Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Lee Shau Kei Primary School
協康會大口環家長資源中心 Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex Sandy Bay Parents Resource Centre
明愛賽馬會德田青少年綜合服務 Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People Tak Tin
香港小童群益會賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心 The Boy's and Girl's Clubs Association of Hong Kong Southern District
香港遊樂場協會創智遊樂家 Hong Kong Playground Association KidzPlus
藍田循道衛理小學 Lam Tin Methodist School
香港聖公會輔導服務處「愛。家庭」賽馬會成長中心 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Counselling Service We Love: Jockey Club Centre for Family Enhancement
香港女童軍總會 Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
弱智人士服務 Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities:
明愛藝坊 Caritas Artland
保良局陳麗玲(百周年)學校 Po Leung Kuk Anita L. L. Chan (Centenary) School
仁濟醫院上環復康服務中心 Yan Chai Hospital Sheung Wah Rehabilitation Service Centre
老人服務 Elderly Services:
循道衛理楊震社會服務處彩虹長者日間護理服務 Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Choi Hung Day Care Service
禮賢會葵盛東護理安老院 Kwai Shing East Rhenish Care And Attention Home
婦女服務 Women Services:
香港婦女中心協會賽馬會華富中心 Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres Jockey Club Wah Fu Centre
香港婦女中心協會賽馬會麗閣中心 Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre