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兒童正念靜觀 Mindfulness for Kids

兒童正念靜觀 Mindfulness for Kids

2名 4-5歲孩子坐著靜觀 2 young kids are meditating while sitting










表達藝術治療 Expressive Arts Therapy

表達藝術治療 Expressive Arts Therapy

表達藝術治療不需任何藝術技巧。治療的重點在於創作過程及作品所表達的意思。 One do not require any art skills to participate in Expressive Arts Therapy. The focus of the therapy is in the process of art-making and the meaning behind the art product.

兒童瑜珈 Kids Yoga

兒童瑜珈 Kids Yoga

導師跟學生一起做瑜珈樹式 Teacher and student are doing Tree Pose together

Liz故事時間 Liz's storytelling time

Liz故事時間 Liz's storytelling time

一群孩子正在靜心聆聽故事 A group of children listen to a story attentively.

流體畫 Fluid Art

流體畫 Fluid Art

一位孩子正自豪地展示自己製作的流體畫 A child proudly present her fluid art

襌繞畫班 Zentangle Class

襌繞畫班 Zentangle Class

一群婦女正在展示自己的襌繞畫作 A group of ladies presenting their Zentangle artwork.




兒童感官遊戲 Young kids sensory play

兒童感官遊戲 Young kids sensory play

兩個4歲兒童正合作在地上用彩色毛毛球砌出花朵的形狀 Two 4 year old kids are putting colourful poms poms together to form a flower shape

兒童正念靜觀 Children Mindfulness

兒童正念靜觀 Children Mindfulness

一群小學生正在靜心聆聽頌砵聲 A group of primary school students are mindfully listening to the sound of singing bowl

兒童感官藝術創作 Children sensory art making

兒童感官藝術創作 Children sensory art making

一群小孩用飲管向著巨型畫紙吹出彩色泡沫 A group of kids are blowing colorful bubbles on a large paper

團建遊戲 Team building activities

團建遊戲 Team building activities

一群小孩將「寶物」藏在她們的腳下 A group of children put all their feet together to hide a piece of "treasure"

親子表達藝術治療 Parent child expressive arts therapy

親子表達藝術治療 Parent child expressive arts therapy

父子一起跳舞後,用彩色絲巾蓋頭合照 After a dance together, Father and son take a photo together while covering their heads with colourful scarfs

表達藝術活動進行中 Expressive arts activities in progress

表達藝術活動進行中 Expressive arts activities in progress

表達藝術活動情況 A snapshot of an Expressive Arts activities

給鳥兒一個家 Creating a home for the bird

給鳥兒一個家 Creating a home for the bird

孩子用環保物料為小鳥創作出一個理想的家 Kids upcycling materials to create an ideal home for the bird

親子表達藝術治療 Parent Child Dyad Expressive Arts Therapy

親子表達藝術治療 Parent Child Dyad Expressive Arts Therapy

母女一同創作 Mother and daughter are creating an artwork together

長者畫襌繞 Elderly drawing zentangle

長者畫襌繞 Elderly drawing zentangle

一名長者正專注於襌繞畫創作中 An elderly is drawing zentangle mindfully

兒童正念靜觀 Mindfulness for Kids

兒童正念靜觀 Mindfulness for Kids

2名孩子正在一起修習靜觀 2 kids are practicing mindfulness together

用身體扮八爪魚 Acting like an octopus

用身體扮八爪魚 Acting like an octopus

兩名孩子合作用身體扮八爪魚 Two kids are acting like an octopus with their bodies

一起創作 Co-creation

一起創作 Co-creation

一群孩子正在一張巨型畫紙上進行集體創作 A group of children are drawing on a large piece of paper together

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